KUSF In Exile 10.31.11 9-Noon DJ Even Stevyn

iPhone and iPad Player

evyn stevyn (Music) with evyn stevyn 10/31/2011 09:00AM to 12:00PM

09:00AM Mike Oldfield “Tubular Bells, Part 1” from Tubular Bells (LP, Album, Private, 1973) on Virgin

09:04AM The Haunted House “the dogs” from sounds of... (LP, Private)

09:06AM Raz Mesinai “the dead rise...and run rampant” from the unspeakable (CD, Album, Private)

09:09AM Krzysztof Penderecki “utrenja” from utrenja (LP, Album, Classical)

09:13AM Popol Vuh “Mantra of the Touching of the Earth” from Tantric Songs / Hosianna Mantra (CD, Album, Private, 1981) on Celestial Harmonies

09:14AM Lustmord “Heresy Part 1” from Heresy (CD, Album, Private, 1990) on Vaultworks

09:22AM Laibach “Sila” from 12" (12 Inch, EP, Private, 1999) on Laylah records

09:33AM Bloodrock “D.O.A.” from 2 (LP, Album, Rock, 1970)

09:41AM Jasun Martz “The Pillory” from The Pillory (CD, Album, Private, 2007) on ad perpetuam memoriam

09:46AM Scott Walker “And Who Shall Go to the Ball?: 4th Movement” from And Who Shall Go to the Ball? And What Shall Go to the Ball? - EP (CD, Album, Private, 2007) on 4AD

09:50AM Fibonaccis “"Psycho"” from ep (12 Inch, EP, Private)

09:55AM Carrie Sntrk “the raven was called sin” from Carrie (CD, Album, Other)

09:58AM S. Moore “the threshhold of liberty” from rer quarterly (LP, Comp, Private)

09:59AM Raz Mesinai “the chamber of souls stirs” from the unspeakable (CD, Album, Private)

10:00AM COIL “box theme” from unreleased hellraiser themes (CD, Album, Private)

10:05AM Dark Shadows “theme” from dark shadows (LP, Album, Private, 1969)

10:09AM Non “Father's Day” from easy listening for iron youth (CD, Album, Private)

10:10AM Stephen King's the Mist “side 4” from the mist (LP, Album, Private)

10:18AM Current 93 “Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)” from Dogs Blood Rising (Remastered) (LP, Album, Private, 2008) on Durtro/Jnana

10:32AM Carrie Sndtrk “the devil has come home” from Carrie (CD, Album, Private)

10:33AM Poltergeist “escape from suburbia” from sndtrk (LP, Album, Private)

10:47AM SLOMO “the creep” from the creep (CD, Album, Private)

10:51AM Raz Mesinai “posseses” from unspeakable (CD, Album, Private)

10:52AM Hafler Trio “blanket level approach” from The Fight Is On (LP, Comp, Private)

10:56AM Penderecki /Cracow Philharmonica “Threnody For The Victims Of Hiroshima For 52 Stringed Instruments” from Threnody For The Victims Of Hiroshima For 52 Stringed Instruments (LP, Album, Classical)

11:07AM Steven R. Smith “well-founding” from slate branches (CD, Album, Rock)

11:09AM Haunted House “the birds” from haunted house (LP, Album)

11:10AM György Ligeti “lontano” from the shining sndtrk (LP, Album, Private, 1980)

11:19AM Raz Mesinai “metamorphosis” from the unspeakable (CD, Album, Private)

11:24AM Harold Budd “Abandoned Cities” from The Serpent (In Quicksilver) / Abandoned Cities (CD, Album, Other, 1991) on Ryko/Rhino

11:47AM Halloween Horrors “story:HALLOWEEN HORROR” from HALLOWEEN HORRORS (LP, Album, Other)


11:55AM The Edgar Winter Group “Frankenstein” from They Only Come Out At Night (LP, Album, Rock, 1976) on CBS

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