Music with a Medieval Classical Twist
iPhone and iPad Player
Daur Dosibiyev "Bir Bala" from "Tulpan (Film)" on Zeitgeist Films -- Traditional Kazakh Folk Song
Mechlin Carillons "Toon Van Balkom" from "Toon Van Balkom" on Philipps -- 10"
Studio Der Fruhen Musik "A Chanter M'er de so qu'eu no Volria" from "Chansons der Troubadors" on Das Alte Werk -- Comtessa de Dia 13th c
Mahabbat Turganbayeva "Untitlted" from "Tulpan (Film)" on Zeitgeist Films -- Traditional Kazakh Folk Song
Kronos Quartet "Sunrise of the Planetary Dream Collector" from "Terry Riley: Cadenza oon the Night Plain" on Teldec (Germany) -- Terry Riley 20th c
The Roger Blanchard Ensemble "Magnificat Septimi Toni" from "Music from the Chapel of Philip II of Spain" on Nonesuch -- Cristobal de Morales 16th c
Hafler Trio "Cromnyomancy" from "Megentropy" on Anckarstrom -- 20th c
Colin Tilney "Pavana Chromatica: Mrs Ketherin Tregian's Paven" from "Early Keyboard Music" on Oryx -- Wm Tisdall 16th c
Deller Consort "Sfogava" from "Madrigal Masterpieces" on Vanguard -- Monteverdi 16th c
David Sylvian "Ancient Evening" from "Words with the Shaman" on Virgin UK -- 20th c
Deller Consort "Lecon et Repons de l'Office des Morts" from "Chant Gregorien" on harmonia mundi -- 8th c anon
Mahabbat Turganbayeva "Untitled" from "Tulpan (Film)" on Zeitgeist Films -- Traditional Kazakh Folk Song
Silver Apples "Whirley Bird" from "Silver Apples" on Geffen
Early Music Consort of London "Entlaubet ist der Walde" from "The Triumphs of Maximillian I" on Decca -- Senfl