Franco Fun
A Crossroads for all things new of interest to the French speaking community. Featuring new music, life style, cultural events and interviews. Program is hosted both in French and English. Keep up-to-date with Franco Fun: Twitter francofun, blog address francofun.wordpress.com, or email farikusf (@) yahoo.com
1- Nicolas Repac - Revue Noire - Swing Swing
2- Nicolas Repac - Negor Digital - Swing Swing
3- Nicolas Repac - Drum Rain - Swing Swing
4- Nicolas Repac - La nuit mene une existence obscure - Swing Swing
5- Julien Ribot - La chevauchee (sur la moyenne corniche) - Hotel Bocchi
6- Innocent X - Trois fois barbare - Fugues
7- Gilles Coronado et Fred Poulet - J'adore la nuit - Golden Retrieval
8- Etienne Charry - L"antenne est a nous - Serpents en flammes
9- Henri Des - Le vilain Crapaud - Les Belles Histoires de Pomme D'Api 2
10- La vie en rose - Francois Moutin, Jeff Boudreaux et Niels Lan Doky - French Ballads
11- Digiki - Capers - Hotel Bocchi (version bonus)
12- Le sacre du Tympan - Sexy Sax - Le retour