1st Hour
iPad and iPhone Player
2nd Hour
iPhone and iPhone Player
3rd Hour
iPhone and iPhone Player
help us be that nasty little hairball that just won't go away...
aphex twin--green calx
friend sound--love sketch
the sandblasters--oyster wax
francois de roubaix--la frite equitoriale (dirty french psychedelics)
brian jonestown massacre--deep in the devils eye and you
rovo--YVMA/original text is vitamin!
titan--anals of the former world
harmonia--deluxe/immer wieder
shogun kunitoki--montezeuma
yes--south side of the sky
unknown artist--untitled (cambodia rocks)
dee edwards--why can't there be love (gilles peterson digs america 2)
barney kessel and his men--11/the big heist
paul jeffrey--minor scene (the guitar players)
amorphous androgynous--liquid insects
mccoy tyner--contemporary focus
the diddys feat. page douglas--intergalactic love song (gilles peterson digs america 2)
the 24 carat black--i begin to weep
leon gardner--be there (spiritual jazz)
judas preist--you got another thing comin'
18th dye--can you wink(?)
(parenthesis = compilation title)