iPhone and iPad Player
Units live @ Mabuhay 11/22/80
The Mission
Town By The River
Digital Stimulation
Instrumental Jam
High Pressure Days
I Wanna Be Go
Warm Moving Bodies
Our Daughter's Wedding live @ the Western Front free concert @ Civic Center 10/26/80 ;
Lawn Chairs
No Justice
Pressure Beat
Today Girl
Red Alert
Stay Home
Digital Cowboy
next week's show features SNAKEFINGER live @ the Boarding House 12/3/79
contact me; vampirrecs@hotmail.com
FAB MAB LIVE REDUX is a collection of live tape recordings that were recorded,mixed & produced by Terry Hammer circa 1979 through 1981 for various Bay Area radio stations.The weekly program was originally called FAB MAB LIVE.This is your chance to go back in time to the period when it all began and enjoy the great punk bands who started it all. These recordings were recorded sitting in the loud venues with headphones on and mixing on a cheap Peavey 12 channel mixing board direct to 2 Track Reel To Reel.They reflect the way the bands sounded at the time,drunk,stoned,out of tune and sometimes in tune.So,sit back,tune in,turn on,and experience the thrill of being at the great punk venues back in the day when it all began.And since these shows were mixed on headphones,they also sound better listening to them with headphones on turned up LOUD! Most shows are less than an hour,so, the hour will be filled with a delicious mixture of old school punk & reggae,with a taste of motown & 60's garage bands to round out the program.For a complete list of my live recordings,go to my website at http://www.angelfire.com/oh/liveperformances/livetapes.html