Pierre Perret-Ouvrez la cage aux oiseaux
Jim Fassett-Symphony of the birds
The Tinklers-The Dodo bird and the Calvaria tree
Animal Talk narrated by Jack Lippert-Rooster
Chris Watson-Guanacaste
Captain Beefheart-Golden birdies
Parakeet Training record
Monthy Python-The dead parrot
Pancho the parrot
Lang Elliott-The songs of wild birds: WildTurkey
J.J Lionel-La danse des canards
Bald eagle and Red-tailed Hawk
Bruce Haack-American eagle
The Primitives-The Ostrich
The Rivingtons-Bird's the word
The Creation-Ostrich man
Peter Szoke-The unknown music of birds
Martin Denny-Coronation
B 52's-Big Bird
From a cassette recorded at Micky Mc Gowan:
Little birdie from a Red Raven Record
Jim Nollman-Playing music with animals
M.L.Lynch (World champion bird and animal caller)-Turkey
The Whistling Nun-Sound of music
Alan Mills and Helene Baillargeon-Le coucou
Twink-Animal talk (From Broken record)
The Owl and the Pussycat
Yma Sumac-The Hummingbird
The Toucan Sam Workout
Sounds of Atlantic Puffins
The Monks-Cuckoo
Robert Filiou-Imitating the sound of birds
Alison K-Natural assemblage
Oskar Sala-Melanie attacked (A.Hitchcock's Bird soundtrack)
Big Bird's poem
Sounds of Pileated and Ivory-billed Woodpeckers
Animal talk narrated by Jack Lippert-House Hen
Devendra Banhart-Wake up, Little sparrow
The Beatles-Blackbird
Chris Watson-Sounds of Magpie Jays
Oskar Sala-The end
Michel Fugain et le Big Bazar-Fais comme l'oiseau
1st Hour
2nd Hour