Join the fight to Save KZSU's Signal
Here’s The Skinny
KZSU’s signal is being threatened, and we need your help.
The Classical Public Radio Network (CPRN), a corporation 90% owned by The University of Southern California (USC), recently bought the license for 90.3 FM, formerly KUSF in San Francisco. Now that CPRN has unseated KUSF, the only FM college radio station in San Francisco and an invaluable resource to our community, they intend to threaten KZSU's airspace as well.
As part of their scheme, CPRN has submitted an application to the FCC to move KUSF's transmitter to Marin County. If this application is approved, we (KZSU) will lose our signal in the East Bay, North Bay, and San Francisco, and will likely experience interference in parts of San Bruno and Daly City.
We need our listeners to express their concerns before it’s too late! KZSU will file an objection against the 90.3 proposal with the FCC, and we need your help to show the FCC how this move will hurt us. Please tell everyone you know to send their letters of support to KZSU, opposing the relocation of the former KUSF transmitter. Please hurry! We have until April 15th to save KZSU.
Here’s How to Help
Write to us:
KZSU will file an objection to the KUSF / 90.3FM proposal on April 18, 2011. In our objection, we'll include letters from listeners and supporters in our community. Letters received by April 15, 2011 will be compiled and mailed to the FCC. Tell us how you really feel! Write to us at:
KZSU Business
P.O. Box 20190
Stanford, CA 94309
Write to the FCC:
If you can, we encourage you to send letters of support to KZSU (instead of directly to the FCC). Letters mailed to KZSU will be included in KZSU’s public file, as well as sent to the FCC in our objection packet (which means there’s less of a chance of your letter getting lost). If you're squeezed for time, you can of course mail your letters to the FCC directly:
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554
E-mail Us:
Unable to send us physical mail? E-mail your letters of support (we STILL need your full name and address) to savekzsu@kzsu.stanford.edu. Format your letter exactly as you would if you were mailing us a hard copy. E-mails received by NOON (PST) on April 16, 2011 will be printed and mailed to the FCC.
Fill Out Our Online Form:
If you can’t write or e-mail us, simply fill out this form to show your support of KZSU. We STILL need your full name and address, and any personal thoughts you can spare!
Here’s What to Write
Here's an outline of what to write to the FCC in support of KZSU. You can also check out this sample letter, which you can copy, edit, print and send to us. Please modify this outline (or the form letter) using your own words and ideas. Thank you for your continued support!
Comments of:
Your FULL Name or Organization Name
Your FULL Address
Submitted: Date
RE: KUSF San Francisco -- Case # BPED 20110318AFJ
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554
Dear Ms. Dortch:
I am writing in opposition of the relocation of the transmitter for 90.3FM in San Francisco to Mt. Beacon in Marin County.
1) Identify yourself as a radio listener, community member, business owner, advertiser, etc. or describe why you have a special interest in this matter. Describe where and when you listen to KZSU, and which programs you follow or enjoy.
2) Share your concerns about the loss of KZSU’s signal in San Francisco, the East Bay and North Bay, as well as likely interference in San Bruno and Daly City. Explain how the loss of KZSU programming in your area will affect you.
3) Describe how KZSU provides relevant, local, diverse and unique educational programming, and is an irreplaceable community resource in the Bay Area.
Please tell all your friends to write letters of support for KZSU. We’re counting on you!
Any questions? Want to help? Get in touch with our team at savekzsu@kzsu.stanford.edu.
To find out more about KUSF and their fight to stay on the air, visit savekusf.org.