Archives while I slip and slide half an hour away At 12:29ish
Heldon- Psylocybine Pink Floyd- Wots...Uh The Deal Jerry Garcia- Late For Supper Pierre Henry- The Coupling Kali Z. Fasteau- Liquid Geometry Woody Herman- Bass Folk Song
Jerry Garcia- Spidergawd The Warlocks- Jam Of The Zombies Secondhand- Lucifer & The Egg Hen Gates & His House Rockers- Begin The Rock Allen Ginsberg- Broken Bone Blues Cowboy Nation- Way Out West
The Ventures- Medley: Spooky/ Traces/ Stormy Traffic- No Time To Live The Four King Cousins- California Nights Jean Jacques Perrey- The Elephant Never Forgets Paul Kantner/ Grace Slick/ David Frieberg- Fisherman John Renbourne The Seeds- Introduction/ March Of The Flower Children Falter Bramnk- Blind Circle Them Mushrooms (feat. John Katanka Harrison)- ????
Jerry Garcia- An Odd Little Place/ The Wheel Fruit Bats- Tony The Tripper Cool Ghouls- Hot Summer The Jay Jay- Today I'm Gay Thee Oh-Sees- Flash Bats The Fresh & Onlys- Until The End Of Time
Don Cherry- Neapolitan Suite: Dios E Diablo Jimi Hendrix- Peoples Peoples The Leather Uppers- Sexy Time The Just Six- I'm gonna Be Gone
Lado B una mescla deliciosa de Musica Latina con la voz, cada jueves a las once
Lado B explores the "B-side" of oft not heard Latin music including, but certainly not limited to: Boleros, Vals, Huaynos, old school Mariachi, Musica Criolla, Trova, Son, Folklorico and a dash of Rock en Espanol...
iPhone and iPad Player
Lado B 5 Julio 2012
irma dorantes celoso
de lata cores
los mocosos hey mama
eva ayllon el tamalito
semilla wistu vida
cuarteto hernando aviles candilejas
grupo pancasan apuntes del tio sam
ricardo rico y su conjunto los tipicos dominicanos el marinero
Set de Set (The Catalan Hour) (Music) with En Patufet 07/05/2012 10:00AM to 11:00AM
Ricard Velascau “els segadors” from 45
Set break — Primer Plat
Toti Soler “blau” from Vida Secreta
Marina Rossell “Campanes de l'ermita” from Barca del temps
Oliva trencada “El Pont de la ciutat” from La música de la calma (2007)
Sangtraït “El pesat del barri” from Sangtraït al Palau Sant Jordi (1992)
Macedònia “Colors” from Sakam té (2006)
Els Pets “Draps de Cuina” from Fràgil (2010)
U_ma “L'hospital per animals (An°mic)” from L'hospital per animals (An°mic)
Set break — Segon Plat
U_ma “Ê” from Ê
Els Pets “El Que Val La Pena de Veritat” from Fràgil (2010)
Macedònia “Viatgen” from Sakam té (2006)
Sangtraït “Nimforàdio” from Sangtraït al Palau Sant Jordi (1992)
Oliva trencada “Balearicu” from La música de la calma (2007)
Marina Rossell “Pirates i bandolers” from Barca del temps
Toti Soler “ocells” from Vida Secreta
Set break — Postre
Veus dels pescadors “El Meu Avi” from Les Millors Havaneres I Cançons De ... (1994)
En Patufet fills the void of Catalan language music in the San Francisco Bay Area Radio. Each "Set de Set" showcases 7 (set) Catalan artists from across the genres, with heavy emphasis on new artists. The music of Catalonia comprises one of the oldest documented musical traditions in Europe, and has displayed a rich musical culture continuously for at least two thousand years. The Catalan language was forbidden during Franco's dictatorship, but it survived and continues to contribute to the great cultural fabric of Europe and the world.
Cathy Cohn is a living legend in the San Francisco Radio and Nightclub Scene (aka the I Beam), having been on KUSF-FM for over 20 years. Tune into her show with the best of Salsa Music, guaranteed to wake the the soul alive.
iPhone and iPad Player
Salsa Sides - Thur 7/5/12 9am-10am (guest hosted by La Voz and En Patufet)
Grupo Sierra Maestra - Elena La Cumbachera Celeste Mendoza - Como Duele Eso Orquestra Aragon - Juego ¿de Que? Gloria Estefan - Montuno
Afro Cuban Jazz Project - Campiña EL Gran Combo - Ojos Chinos Albita - Andan Diceiendo por Ahi Todos Estrellas - Mami me gusto Gran Combo - La Fiesta de Pilito
Mein Twentieth Century explores the far corners of composed sound from its early classical history to its modern experimental antecedents. Antique music, Serialism, Musique Concrete, Early Electronics, Minimalism, Sound Art, New Music, Drone, Independent as well as Non-Western and Outsider sensibilities are brought together in an enriching audio experience
iPhone and iPad Player
first hour: Aaron Copland - Threshing Machines Ferde Grofe - Cloudburst from the Grand Crayon Suite Scott Joplin - Solace Charles Ives - Celestial Railroad The Western Wind Vocal Ensemble - Willliam Billings: I am Come Into My Garden Alwyn - Symphony No. 1 Part 4 Allegro Jubilante Alan Hovhaness - Sharagan and Fugue Ella Jenkins and the Goodwill Spiritual Choir - Who is all here? Beaver & Krause - Walkin' Entourage Music and Theatre Ensemble - Silver Drum Charles Boone - Raspberries
second hour: Maggi Payne - Ahh-Ahh John Fahey - Transcendental Waterfall The Starling from Liberation Songs of the Vietnamese People Charles Tomlinson Griffes - The Night Winds Aaron Copland - Quiet City Steven Halpern - Attunement John Corigliano - Three Hallucinations (From Altered States) Delma Lachney and Blind Uncle Gaspard - La Danseuse Ennio Morricone - Square Dance Ann Southam - The Rivers David Shire - Dream Sequence A.C. Marias - Drop Sun Ra - House of Beauty
third hour: Alice Coltrane - Translinear Light Myrmyr - Fire Serpent's Lull Fripp and Eno - Evening Star Beach Boys - The Elements: Fire (Mrs. O' Leary's Cow) Pye Corner Audio - Mirror Sequence Juxtavoices - Guardian Weekend Remix Windy & Carl - Forever Arnold Dreyblatt - Brushtones Aphex Twin - From Selected ambient Works Vol. 2 Cliff Martinez - From Solaris OST The Fractal Skulls - Good Girl Popol Vuh - Gutes Land
Silver Machine Radio (Music) with Nathan Berlinguette 07/04/2012 06:00AM to 09:00AM
Demdike Stare "Mnemosyne" from "Elemental" (2012) on Modern Love Grace Jones "The Crossing (Ooh the Action)" from "Slave to the Rhythm" (Rock, 1987) on Island Records Depeche Mode "The Great Outdoors!" from "The Great Outdoors!" (Single) Brain Fruit "1.4" from "1.4" (Single) Horace Andy "Why Oh Why DUB" from "Why Oh Why DUB" (Single) Ciccone Youth "G-FORCE" from "The Whitey Album" (Rock, 1988) on Geffen Records Tussle "Transparent C" from "Transparent C" (Single) Kano "Holly Dolly" from "Holly Dolly" (Single) Ministry "What He Say" from "With Sympathy" (CD, Album, Private, 1983) on Arista Jah Shaka "Coronation of Dub" from "Coronation of Dub" (Single) We Like Cats "Fruits of the Jungle Heart" from "Fruits of the Jungle Heart" (Single) Demdike Stare "Unction (Alternate Version)" from "Unction (Alternate Version)" (Single) Peaking Lights "Birds of Paradise (Dub Version)" from "Birds of Paradise (Dub Version)" (Single) Crystal Hell Pool "Disembodied Features" from "Disembodied Features" (Single) Boney M. "Ma Baker" from "Ma Baker" (Single) Depeche Mode "Get the Balance Right!" from "Get the Balance Right!" (Single) Kitaro "Inochi No Izumi (Eternal Spring)" from "Silk Road II" (2002) on Pony Canyon Inc. Jonti "Twirigig" from "Twirigig" (Single) Imperial Teen "Overtaken" from "Overtaken" (Single) Aislers Set "Unfinished Paintings" from "Unfinished Paintings" (Single) Duck Tails "Killin the Vibe" from "Killin the Vibe" (Single) Date Palms "Honey Dune" from "honey devash" (LP, Album, Rock, 2011) on Mexican Summer
your (figurative) balls and brains ought to work in unison...
steppenwolf--monster frank zappa--hungry freaks daddy the avengers--the amerikan in me agent orange--america everclear--american girl (you got lucky/a tribute to tom petty) love and rockets--an american dream
a silver mt zion--13 angels standing guard round the side of your bed YPPAH--GOLDEN BRAID LAETITIA SADIER--BY THE SEA procedure club--seventh circle of hell vivian girls--when i'm gone the helen robinson youth choir--sit down children (movement soul vol 2)
fela kuti--just like that
alrune rod--perlesoen VESA MATTI LOIRI--TURKISH COFFEE
titan--pilzmarmelede part 1 evangelista--tunnel to the stars
BEATEN BY THEM--VANISHING POINT the fall--gross chapel/british grenadiers kippa kloppa/soundish/tottemo godzilla riders--godzilla ga kita!!!
CAPS = RECENT RELEASE (2011/2012) parenthesis = compilation title
This week's 360 is strictly devoted to the compilation titled For Lee Jackson In Space, which was released early this last month. It contains 94 songs spread out over almost 12 hours. Lee Jackson was an avid music fan who appeared on the blogosphere over the years. He died this last March 25th of ALS at the age of 38. The artists included in this compilation were among his friends. I present 26 of these songs here.
Abunai! "Time Of The Funk Lords (Flash Forward)" Stone Breath "Dark Veils Part" Sun Circle "Awaken" Matt McDowell "Rays In The Dust (For Lee)" Kitchen Cynics "Me, Lee & Jack & The Ghost Of Skip James" Pelt "On The Divide"
Xenis Emputae Travelling Band "Night's Black Bird (After John Dowland)" Three Minute Tease "These Alien Angels (Extended In Space)" Brendan Quinn & Mark Bennett "Concerning The Isle Of Ptyx" Matthew de Gennaro "Lee's Dream" Evening Fires "Nailing Smoke To The Wall" Six Organs Of Admittance "Which Way To Townes?"
Windy & Carl "The Little Voice That Echoes In My Head" Kemialliset Ystävät "Muistan" Tetuzi Akiyama, Kevin Corcoran, Christian Keefer, & Scott Leftridge "The Infinite Tides" Marianne Nowottny "Where You Are" Marissa Nadler "The Breaking" Arborea "Stardust" Sharron Kraus "Night Clouds"
Helena Espvall "Passage (For Lee)" Charalambides "Joy Shapes For Lee"
MV & EE & The Golden Road "Hammer Jam" Anvil Salute "Technosis Externality Clusterfuck" Derek Rogers "New Languages (For Lee Jackson)"
Tara Burke, Helena Espvall, Alec Redfearn, & Sharron Kraus "Seal Woman's Lament" R. Keenan Lawler "Peacefully"
0:00:00) Opening Chimes / hello 0:00:32) Herbie Hancock "Rain Dance" from "Sextant", 1973 0:09:28) Joe Meek "The Bublight" from "I Hear A New World", 1960 0:11:56) Kahimi Karie "Blue Orb" from the videogame "We Love Katamari", 2005 0:16:17) The Orb "Blue Room" from "U.F.Orb", 1992 0:30:34) announcements 0:32:05) Dick Hyman "The Minotaur" from "MOOG: The Electric Eclectics of Dick Hyman", 1969 0:40:27) El-P "Straight off the D.I.C." from "Cannibal Oxtrumentals", 2001 0:44:39) Supersilent "6.1" from "6", 2003 0:53:46) Coil "Triple Sun" from "The Ape of Naples", 2005 0:57:23) announcements 0:58:35) Perrey and Kingsley "Barnyard in Orbit" from "The In Sound from Way Out!", 1966 1:01:16) Murcof "Cosmos I" from "Cosmos", 2007 1:08:32) Talking Heads "Moon Rocks" from "Speaking in Tongues", 1983 1:13:18) Atom Heart "Cobal 1" from "Orange", 1994 1:17:52) Delia Derbyshire & Barry Bermage – “Falling” from “Within Dreams” radio broadcast, 1964 1:21:09) Antihouse "“08c” from “Antihouse”, 1994 1:31:13) announcements 1:33:04) Klaus Schulze "Bayreuth Return" from "Timewind", 1975 1:41:23) The Elegants "Little Star", 1958 1:44:03) Monolight "Red Mystic" from "Free Music", 2001 1:49:25) The Oscillation "Veils" from "Veils", 2011
FreeFall 595: 7.3.12 Fatima & Funkineven - Phone Line (Eglo) Tote - Stay - Spending My Dreams (Cut) Ojos De Brujo - Todo Tiendo (Los Chicos Altos Rmx) - Ojos De Brujos Reworked (Urbanworld) Ikonika - Cold Soaking - I Make Lists (Hum + Buzz) Neneh Cherry & The Thing - Sudden Moment - The Cherry Thing (Smalltown Supersound) Pharaoh Sanders - Mansion Worlds - Village Of The Pharaohs (Impulse) The Shaolin Afronauts - Los Angeles - Quest Under Capricorn (Freestyle) Panaphonic - Kinky Groove - Vintage Streets & Wah-Wah Sounds (Funky Juice) Jayl Funk - In My Mind - We Got The Funk (Bombastic Jam) Jet Tricks - For The Love Of Money - Better Than Real Life (Légère) Open Mike Eagle - Universe Man - 4NML HSPTL (Fake Four) Funkommunity - The Light - Chequered Thoughts (MPM) Shawn Lee - Beats Between The Sheets - Beats Between The Sheets (Pedigree Cuts) Visioneers - LuAnne From Harlem - Hipology (BBE) Konkoma - Another Day - Konkoma (Soundway) Jazz Collective - Renovation - Jazz Collective (Jazz Collective) Smoove & Turrell - In Deep (Kraak & Smaak Rmx) - Mixed Feelings (Jalapeño) Suonho - Blowin’ My Mind - The Director’s Cuts Vol 1 (Director’s Cuts) Dead Capo - Fat Dog Mendoza - Sale (Lovemonk) Toddla T - Lose Control - Agitated (Ninja Tune) Dobie - State Of Flux - Nothing To Fear (Big Dada) Yannah Valdevit - Pick Flowers (Tru-Thoughts) The Heavy - What Makes A Good Man (Counter/Ninja Tune) Tall Black Guy - Scanner Resurrection - Tempo Dreams (Bastard Jazz) Alexis Davis - The Lift - 3 (Expansions Collective) Akua Naru - Walking The Block - Live & Aflame Sessions (Jakarta)
David Bassin hosts an eclectic two-hour mix of future jazz, R &B, global grooves & abstract beats that has received international acclaim since it's debut in 2000. Weekly rebroadcasts are available on, Live1.FM (Brazil), FutureJazz (Germany), Space Invader Radio (UK), (Singapore). (Italy) and the weekly podcast, available for free from the iTunes music store, Soundcloud, Mixcloud, Pod-o-Matic and others. More information, links to our partner sites and contact info is available at:
Carolyn (Music) with Carolyn 07/03/2012 12:00PM to 03:00PM
12:02PM The Skinnies “Out Of Order” from Out Of Order (7 Inch, Single, 1979) on Rave Up
12:05PM Testors “Time Is Mine\” from Together / Time Is Mine - Single (7 Inch, Rock, 2012) on Windian Records New
12:05PM The Adverts “Bored Teenagers (Single Version)” from Gary Gilmores' Eyes b/w Bored Teenagers (7 Inch, 1977) on Anchor
12:07PM Crime “FRUSTRATION” from San Francisco's Doomed (LP, 1990) on Solar Lodge
12:10PM Pussy Galore “Constant Pain/ Car Fantasy” from Feel Good About Your Body EP (7 Inch, 2012) on Shove! New
12:13PM Monoshock “Tom Guido Philosophically Stoogely” from Walk to the Fire (LP, 1995) on Blackjack Local
12:16PM Strip Kings “Lightning Breed” from Lightning Breed b/w Slow Panic (7 Inch) on In The Red (USA)
12:19PM Timmy's Organism “Drunken Man” from Raw Sewage Roq (LP, 2012) on In The Red (USA) New
12:27PM Vex Ruffin “I'm Creative” from Crash Course EP (12 Inch, Rock, 2011) on Stones Throw (USA)
12:30PM Shitty Limits “Messin' With The Kid” from Straight Forward b/w Messin' With The Kid (7 Inch, 2011) on La Vida Es Un Mus Discos
12:32PM Kicks “The Secret” from The Secret b/w The Return of the Action Men (7 Inch, 2012) on Shake Music New
12:35PM The Trashmen “Church Key” from split with The Wailers (7 Inch, 1999) on Sundazed
12:38PM The Ugly Ducklings “Nothin'” from Nothin' - Single (7 Inch, Rock, 2011) on FREEWAY RECORDS
12:40PM Ben Gibbard “Friends In the City” from Rated G.G. (7 Inch, 2012) on Best Show On WFMU New
12:46PM The Intelligence “Reading and Writing About Partying” from Everybody's Got It Easy But Me (LP, 2012) on In The Red (USA) New
12:49PM Evans The Death “Bo Diddley” from Evans The Death (LP, 2012) on Slumberland (USA) New
12:52PM The Avengers “Thin White Line” from Paint It Black b/w Thin White Line (7 Inch, 2012) on Superior Viaduct New
12:55PM Los Culitos “En Cuatro Patas” from Un Año Sin Verte EP (7 Inch, 2012) on Teosto New
01:00PM The Limit “Modern Girl” from The Limit (LP, Rock, 2012) on Cheap Rewards New
01:02PM Swiftumz “More Than Sleep” from Don't Trip (LP, Rock, 2011) on Holy Mountain Local
01:05PM T Tex Edwards “Baby's Got A Gun” from Intexicated! (CD, 2012) on Saustex New
01:08PM Gentleman Jesse “You Give Me Shivers” from Leaving Atlanta (LP, 2012) on Douchemaster New
01:09PM Veronica Falls “My Heart Beats” from My Heart Beats - Single (7 Inch, 2012) on Slumberland (USA) New
01:12PM Ty Segall Band “Wave Goodbye” from Slaughterhouse (CD, 2012) on In The Red (USA) Local, New
01:16PM Squish “Rabies Is A Killer” from Shame Spiral EP (7 Inch, 2012) on Hozac New
01:19PM The Sleaze “Retro sexy in blue” from Called You Once (7 Inch, 2011) on Total Punk
01:22PM Terry Malts “I DO” from Killing Time (LP, 2012) on Slumberland (USA) Local, New
01:25PM Frustrations “The Drill” from Negative Reflections (LP, 2011) on X! Records
01:28PM Teengenerate “DO YOU WANNA KNOW?” from Wild Wild Teengenerate (7 Inch, 1995) on Wild Wild Records
01:30PM Little Queenie “I'm Going Stag” from live at Stork Club (Other, 2011) on Lemon Sessions Local
01:33PM The Reactions “Saturday's Gone Wild” from Saturday's Gone Wild (LP, 2012) on Cheap Rewards New
01:35PM Kids Of Zoo “Blackscratch” from Everything's Cool (Debut LP) (LP, 2012) on Adagio
01:37PM Wooly Bullies “WAITING FOR YOU” from split with Bad Trouble (7 Inch, 2012) on Fone Records New
01:45PM The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion “Gadzooks!” from Gadzooks! b/w Tell Me That You Love Me (7 Inch, 2012) on In The Red (USA) New
01:47PM The Dirtbombs “Possession” from Dangerous Magical Noise (LP, 2003) on In The Red (USA)
01:50PM Cheater Slicks “Used Illusions” from Forgive Thee (CD, 1997) on In The Red (USA)
01:54PM The Turbines “I Get Excited” from Nobody Gets On The Guest-List! (LP, 1984) on Throbbing Lobster
01:57PM The Alan Milman Sect “Stitches In My Head” from Teen Tour EP (7 Inch, 1977) on Bag Of Hammer
01:59PM Normal Love “Lend Some Treats” from Survival Tricks (CD, Rock, 2012) on Ugexplode/Public Eyesore New
02:03PM Mrs. Magician “NIGHTLIFE” from Strange Heaven (LP, 2012) on Swami New
02:11PM The Hookers “Out Of My Head” from split with White Barons (7 Inch, 2012) New
02:15PM The Silver “Do You Wanna Dance?” from Pop Con (7 Inch, 2004) — originally from 1980
02:17PM The Dream Dates “Moans On The Phone” from Moans On The Phone b/w Heartattack Rhythm (7 Inch, 1977) on Ugly Pop
02:20PM The Insults “Stupid Words” from Insults To Injury (LP) on Brain Transplant
02:22PM Whatever Brains “Marquee Warfare” from Whatever Brains (2012) (LP, 2012) on Sorry State Records New
02:27PM Rangers “Sacred Cows” from Pan Am Stories (CD, 2011) on Not Not Fun
02:32PM Cheap Time “Witches in Stock” from Wallpaper Music (LP, 2012) on In The Red (USA) New
02:38PM Images “Caught Me Off Guard” from Thought Patterns EP (7 Inch, 2012) New
02:41PM Prime Movers “See That Girl” from Let's Breed! Part Two of the Throbbing Lobster Saga (LP, 1984) on Throbbing Lobster — RIP Jeff Sugarman
02:43PM The Professionals “1-2-3” from 1-2-3 b/w (7 Inch, 1980) on Virgin UK (UK)
02:46PM The Outlets “Not Too Late” from Not Too Late (LP, Single, 1984) on Throbbing Lobster
02:49PM Frankie Rose “INTERSTELLAR” from Interstellar (CD, Album, Private, 2012) on Slumberland (USA) New
02:53PM Family Curse “Last Days” from Julia Armant b/w Last Days (7 Inch)
02:56PM Thee Oh Sees “Heavy Doctor” from Carrion Crawler / The Dream (CD, 2011) on In The Red (USA) Local
02:59PM X “See How We Are” from See How We Are (LP, 1990) on Electra
If anyone personifies the word 'maven' it's DJ Carolyn. Her impeccable taste in punk, garage and rock has influenced Bay Area listeners for over two decades. A listener passionately sent in, 'she has always been the only DJ that matters. She finds music nobody else does, and it rocks!' Her dedication to the local scene goes beyond spinning the latest indie disc or old-school classic, to outright mentorship of fledgling talent. Catch her weekly show... and you'll find out why, when it comes to Bay Area rock, you've been served." -From SF Bay Guardian who awarded Carolyn as 2006's and 2008's Best DJ: Terrestrial Radio
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