iPhone and iPad Player
Set de Set
19 juliol 2012
nuria feliu
soc com un desmai
dumballa canalla
el twist
electrica dharma
jauma arnella
la xampanya
cancons de vi i taverna
humilment brillant
anna roig
lladre de cors/lladre de versos
anna roig
caputxeta roig
somnis de corall
jaume arnella
la jutgesa
electrica dharma
dumbala canalla
5 minuts
nuria feliu
de dalt estant
En Patufet fills the void of Catalan language music in the San Francisco Bay Area Radio. Each "Set de Set" showcases 7 (set) Catalan artists from across the genres, with heavy emphasis on new artists. The music of Catalonia comprises one of the oldest documented musical traditions in Europe, and has displayed a rich musical culture continuously for at least two thousand years. The Catalan language was forbidden during Franco's dictatorship, but it survived and continues to contribute to the great cultural fabric of Europe and the world.
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