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Set de Set (The Catalan Hour) with DJ En Patufet 05/10/2012 10:00AM to 11:00AM
- Entrant -
Ricard Velascau “els segadors” from 45
- Primer Plat -
Antònia Font “Focs artificials” from A Rússia
Skamarlans “Terra estranya” from Skamarlans
Plouen Catximbes “Cafè l'Habana” from Telescopi
MARINA ROSELL “No Vull Que M´Oblidis” from Cinema Blau + La Gavina
Aramateix “Et Cobriran de Blasmes” from 300 Anys
Jordi Sabates I Toti Soler “S'hora Baixa” from Toti Soler / Tot L'enyor De Dem
Conxita “Productes de neteja” from Amb lletra petita
- Segona Plat -
Conxita “Peus petits” from Amb lletra petita
Jordi Sabates I Toti Soler “Ballarines Mec Niques” from Toti Soler / Tot L'enyor De Dem
Aramateix “Senzillament” from 300 Anys
MARINA ROSELL “Glendi” from Cinema Blau + La Gavina
Plouen Catximbes “Les Onze” from Telescopi
Skamarlans “Dies millors” from Skamarlans
Antònia Font “camps de maduixes” from A Rússia
- Postre -
Veus dels pescadors “El Meu Avi” from Les Millors Havaneres I Cançons De ...
En Patufet fills the void of Catalan language music in the San Francisco Bay Area Radio. Each "Set de Set" showcases 7 (set) Catalan artists from across the genres, with heavy emphasis on new artists. The music of Catalonia comprises one of the oldest documented musical traditions in Europe, and has displayed a rich musical culture continuously for at least two thousand years. The Catalan language was forbidden during Franco's dictatorship, but it survived and continues to contribute to the great cultural fabric of Europe and the world.
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